Episode 17: The Margin for Magic with Kate Northrup

inspiration mindset Apr 11, 2016

Kate Northrup is the best selling author of “Money, a Love Story: Untangle Your Financial Woes and Create the Life You Really Want.” She’s grown a team of 3,000 wellness entrepreneurs in the network marketing industry and her work has been featured on The Today Show, Yahoo Finance, Huffington Post and in many other amazing publications. She is committed to empowering as many people as possible to have the ultimate luxury in life. In this episode, she shares all about creating that “margin for magic” in your business! Kate grew up with spirituality and The Law of Attraction being a big part of her life, thanks in most part to her mother.

“It’s like people who grew up with sports. I grew up with believing in energy.”

Her husband, Mike, had a conventional upbringing, but has embraced the philosophies as well, starting with meditation. Not only does it have a positive effect on their personal life, but Kate says it also does the same for their business.

Certain aspects, such as gratitude for the present moment and anticipation for the next, are automatic for her. However, she feels there are things in her life that she still needs to work on.

“In order to be walking a different direction than everybody else, you have to keep reminding yourself”

To Kate, gratitude is a physical experience, and she has to feel it in her body to know there’s been a shift.

She doesn’t like to orchestrate the “how” when she has a particular goal in mind. She says that when she has an ambitious goal with her husband, they leave a certain “margin for magic” to happen.

“I don’t know what’s going to happen, but I’m excited to see what it is that’s going to bring us there”

One example of such magic is her being a top affiliate on a number of other peoples’ launches when first starting out, despite having a relatively small email list.

She and Mike do a number of things when preparing for a product launch:

1) Diving Love Healing Meditation – this practice will release what’s blocking you from getting what you desire in terms of health, abundance, etc. For more information, see “INTERVIEW LINKS."

2) Take action – Kate recommends doing yoga, going surfing or something you enjoy to give your mind a break. This can open your channels for other possibilities, as sometimes your brain just needs a break to come up with a creative solution.

3) Visualization – Just before, or when their cart opens for a launch, Kate and Mike will light candles and focus on the value that they’re bringing to others. She says the reason she does what she does is because she has so much fun helping people.

4) Repeat a Mantra – For one launch with a price point of $197, Mike repeated the “197” with each step he took during his walk to and from work, to help attract the desired results.

5) Getting Physical – Kate says sex is a powerful energy, and having it with the intention of spreading that energy into the cosmos will assist with a product launch. Doing things that are physical, including sex and dancing, will help get you in touch with your body. She says this is important, as often the mind can be limiting and the best solutions can often be found by feeling.

6) Be Aware of Astrology – Planning the launch around the appropriate time in terms of astrology can be helpful. Certain times are known for having issues, such as with technology and communication.

Kate reminds us that tools such as Feng Shui, meditation, visualization and vision boards are simply accessories to keep our vibrations where we want them to be.

She is excited to share the wisdom she has learned with her own daughter. She wants her to know that she is a powerful source with the ability to create many things. Hard work, hustle and suffering are not necessarily prerequisites for success.

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Kate’s website

Kate’s book

Feng Shui For Financial Freedom

Information on Divine Love Healing Meditation


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