Episode 668: Wednesday Weekly Win: Digital CEO Success Story with Kelly Lyons (How a new mom replaces a full-time salary with 1 membership in 7 months)

wednesdayweeklywin Mar 27, 2024


Today we’re bringing back a segment we haven’t done in awhile on the podcast, and sharing a Wednesday Weekly Win case study with a Business By Design student who is seeing mind blowing results! In this episode, you’ll meet Kelly Lyons, who has created an incredibly successful business in a short amount of time, with two kids under the age of two! Jen recorded the first part of this interview last year when Kelly was one of our case study finalists during Rise of the Digital CEO, and we just knew we had to circle back and speak with Kelly again so she could share about the progress she has made since last year. 

Stay tuned as you’ll be hearing from more amazing CEOs like Kelly over the coming weeks who are continuing to apply what they’re learning in BBD (and building successful business that will last)! 

Save these dates, June 6th, 11th and 13th, because our once a year 3-part LIVE training is happening very soon, and you can join the Business By Design Priority List NOW at https://www.businessbydesign.net/!

We want to hear from you! If this episode inspired you in some way, take a screenshot of you listening on your device and post it to your Instagram Stories and tag us, @jameswedmore, @jeunejenni and @kellylwellness.


In this episode you’ll hear: 

  • Kelly’s journey from being a teacher to becoming an entrepreneur and how she just knew she had to be a part of BBD 
  • The biggest lessons she learned as a mom with two babies entering the world of entrepreneurship 
  • The ways in which BBD shifted everything for Kelly’s business and what it looked like for her to shift her business model to that of a membership 
  • How having gratitude and the specific processes she has gotten from BBD have helped skyrocketed her business 
  • Details on how Kelly finished 2023 in her business and the journey she’s been on since she was interviewed last year 
  • The key pieces that have allowed her to 4x her revenue during that time 
  • A key transformation that has happened for Kelly in the last 7 months 
  • Her golden nugget of advice for someone who is on the fence about joining BBD



Join the Business By Design Priority List!

Kelly’s Website & Membership

Her Podcast



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