Episode 680: How A Busy Mom of 3 Made $10k in ONE MONTH with Kathi Reuter: A Digital CEO Success Story #WednesdayWeeklyWin

wednesdayweeklywin Apr 24, 2024

We’ve got another amazing #WednesdayWeeklyWin episode for you! Today, you’ll meet Kathi Reuter, who is another BBD Case Study Finalist from last year and a current member of our BBD Next Level Program. 

Kathi is a stay-at-home mom of 3 that made $10k in just one month after starting her online business, and since this interview was originally recorded last year, Kathi continues to crush it! She has a HUGE goal of generating $500k in revenue this year, and in this episode, Kathi reveals the ways that she is taking action to go all in on her dreams!

Save these dates, June 6th, 11th and 13th, because our once a year 3-part LIVE training is happening very soon, and you can join the Business By Design Priority List NOW at https://www.businessbydesign.net/!

We want to hear from you! If this episode inspired you in some way, take a screenshot of you listening on your device and post it to your Instagram Stories and tag us, @jameswedmore, @jeunejenni and @katherinereuter.


In this episode you’ll hear: 

  • Kathi’s background and the nudge she felt, and called to answer, to create her first online program
  • The internal dialogue that was holding Kathi back and how it differed from the actual experience she had once she launched her beta program
  • Kathi’s advice for someone who is just starting out on their own entrepreneurial journey and dealing with imposter syndrome
  • The next steps in BBD she took after successfully completing her beta program 
  • How Kathi was able to use the valuable feedback she received from students in the beta to make her program even better 
  • The mindset hacks she recommends to stop overanalyzing and to get into action
  • Kathi’s words of advice for other moms and busy individuals who may think they don’t have the time or energy to build a business



Join the Business By Design Priority List!

Kathy’s Website & Instagram




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