Episode 698: From 9 People in Her Beta to $96k in ONE Launch with Monica Little: A Digital CEO Success Story #WednesdayWeeklyWin

Uncategorized Jun 13, 2024

You read that title right! In today’s #WednesdayWeeklyWin edition of the podcast, you’ll meet Monica Little, a Digital CEO who went from selling 9 spots in her beta program to generating $96k in ONE Launch!  

Monica is in a super cool niche as a small business coach helping sellers on Etsy, and there are even more big things to come for her as she is now forecasting half a million dollars in revenue this year! We just know that this conversation with Monica will inspire you, regardless of where you are on your business journey.  

It’s finally here! The Rise Of The Digital CEO is LIVE, and you can join us NOW at https://www.businessbydesign.net/RISE!

We want to hear from you! If this episode inspired you in some way, take a screenshot of you listening on your device and post it to your Instagram Stories and tag us, @jameswedmore, @jeunejenni and @monicalittlecoaching.


In this episode you’ll hear: 

  • What Monica’s business looked like before joining BBD and how she felt like she was “throwing spaghetti at the wall” during those times
  • The main things she focused on once joining BBD 
  • How Monica pivoted her business after realizing where her true passion was 
  • The BIG goal Monica has for her business this year 
  • How she has come to realize that objections are not really rejections 
  • Monica’s tips for enjoying the fun, everyday things and creating the most balance possible in her life and work 
  • The way in which a few key mindset shifts completely changed her business



Join Us At The Rise Of The Digital CEO!

Monica’s Instagram



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