Episode 699: How a Portrait Photographer Took Her Business to Over $2 Million in Revenue in Just Two Years with Dina Mande: A Digital CEO Success Story #WednesdayWeeklyWin

wednesdayweeklywin Jun 14, 2024

In today’s #WednesdayWeeklyWin edition of the podcast, you’ll hear the story of Dina Mande, a Digital CEO who joined Business By Design and created a course specifically for boudoir photographers. Dina is now really carving out a name for herself, and in the process, she has taken her business to over $2 million in revenue in just two short years!   

Dina is a great example of what can happen when you have the courage to niche down, find your target market, use the strategies we teach in BBD…and just keep repeating and refining the process! 

It’s finally here! The Rise Of The Digital CEO is LIVE, and you can join us NOW at https://www.businessbydesign.net/RISE!

We want to hear from you! If this episode inspired you in some way, take a screenshot of you listening on your device and post it to your Instagram Stories and tag us, @jameswedmore, @jeunejenni and @dinamande.


In this episode you’ll hear: 

  • What happened when Dina did some deep digging and found her niche 
  • That her “homerun offer” is still the same offer she has today
  • Dina’s story of joining BBD to earning $700,000 in the first 24 months and beyond
  • The big ways in which her lifestyle has changed after creating her digital business 
  • How Digital CEO’s need to understand that time is currency 
  • Tips for evolving your offers based on the needs and wants of your clients 
  • Dina’s message for letting go of the 9-to-5 and awakening to what else is possible for you



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Dina’s Instagram



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