Episode 701: How a Mom of 2 Entrepreneur Drastically Scaled Her Business While Working Even LESS with Rachel McMichael: A Digital CEO Success Story #WednesdayWeeklyWin

wednesdayweeklywin Jun 19, 2024

For today’s #WednesdayWeeklyWin, we’re bringing you a Digital CEO that is so strategic, smart and successful! Rachel McMichael learned how to structure her business, manage her time and explode the results she achieves, so that she can get her time back with her family. 

We love just what Rachel is doing, and this is a great one for all the mom business owners that are listening, as it shows that it really is possible to have your dream business without sacrificing the other areas of your life that mean so much to you!

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We want to hear from you! If this episode inspired you in some way, take a screenshot of you listening on your device and post it to your Instagram Stories and tag us, @jameswedmore, @jeunejenni and @rachelrmcmichael.


In this episode you’ll hear: 

  • The specific things that were holding Rachel back from scaling her business before joining BBD 
  • What she decided to focus on after starting BBD 
  • How to begin regaining purpose in your life and business if you’ve felt you’ve lost it too
  • Rachel’s experiences in growing a team and what she looks for when hiring team members 
  • The number one reason Rachel started working with James and where she says the real power lies in BBD



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