Episode 710: The Superpower of Developing an Equanimous Mind and the Art of Non-Attachment

Uncategorized Aug 19, 2024

There are a lot of topics that Iā€™ve been thinking about sharing with our BBD Next Level members at our upcoming retreat, and I want to start introducing them here on the podcast as well, as these things can significantly help you on your own personal, spiritual and transformational growth journey. Youā€™ve heard me talk about the power of letting go, and in todayā€™s episode, weā€™re going deeper with a conversation on the power of detachment, which is without a doubt an essential ingredient for boosting performance in life in business.  

If there are places where you feel like youā€™re giving your power away, thereā€™s most likely attachment there. By developing an equanimous mind and mastering the art of non-attachment, it will help bring awareness to these areas for you. The best part? When you live and operate from a place of detachment, you will find that this is one of the most powerful places that you can be!

Are there areas in your life and business where you are attached to something, such a particular result or an outcome? We want to hear about it from you! Take a screenshot of you listening on your device, post it to your Instagram Stories and tag us, @jameswedmore and @jeunejenni.


In this episode youā€™ll hear: 

  • A look at the heaviness and burden that comes with attachment and how obtaining your goal actually becomes so much easier when there is no attachment to the outcome
  • Some definitions of what attachment is and where much of it stems from in regards to entrepreneurship 
  • A reframe I have for you that will have you looking at goal setting in a completely different way  
  • Where to start first in order to find a state of detachment
  • What research tells us about negativity bias and the ultimate antidote to get out of a disempowered state if you find yourself in one



Bhagavad Gita Books

The Five Levels of Attachment by Don Miguel Ruiz Jr.

The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle 

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