Episode 713: How to Access the Answers You Desire Through the Power of Silence

Uncategorized Sep 09, 2024

Are you familiar with the concept of meditation, but you’re still unsure how to integrate the true power of silence into your daily routine? Anyone can meditate for a few minutes, but living meditatively is a whole other thing!  

In this episode, we reveal how you can harness the transformative power of silence to uncover the answers you’re seeking, as we bring you practical strategies to help you immerse yourself in silence more frequently and effectively throughout your day. 

This topic was a key focus at our recent BBD Next Level retreat, and even if you consider yourself well-versed in the benefits of silence, this conversation offers new tools and insights that you won’t want to miss! 

Is there something we talked about today about the power of silence that has resonated with you? We want to hear about it! Take a screenshot of you listening on your device, post it to your Instagram Stories and tag us, @jameswedmore and @jeunejenni.


In this episode you’ll hear: 

  • What scientific research reveals about our repetitive thought patterns and self-talk
  • How taking a moment to “stop your world” can lead to profound results
  • A practical exercise from our retreat that demonstrates the impact of silence
  • The crucial difference between silence and stillness, and their unique benefits
  • A specific practice I use (and you can too) to enhance your awareness and presence
  • How using your breath as an anchor can provide insights when you embrace more silence
  • Effective habits for incorporating more moments of silence into your daily life
  • The importance of meditation for entrepreneurs, supported by scientific evidence



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