Episode 78: What It Takes To Launch

Feb 13, 2017

On today’s episode, James talks with Online Business Strategist Zach Spuckler about the major mindset shifts he has made over the last year that’s enabled him to grow his business exponentially. Zach also shares an effective alternative to doing a really big launch, which you won’t want to miss! When Zach first joined James’ Inner Circle Mastermind a year ago, he worked by himself and had just hit the 6-figure mark in his business. He now has a team made up of multiple people, but notes that it was the inner work he did that allowed him to expand to this.

Zach admits that he used to be a workaholic, and that his health started to suffer because of this. He had to step back and ask himself why he originally wanted to start the business, which was to have freedom. Here are just a few of his major breakthroughs:

Hire a team

Hiring his first VA helped give Zach the systems, and space to grow. During his last launch, he realized that hiring was never an external...

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Episode 76: Breakthroughs with Surveys

Feb 06, 2017

Are you marketing yourself online and feel like your message is falling flat? Maybe people aren’t getting your offer and you’re looking for a way to connect with your audience? On today’s show, James looks at how using surveys (the right way!) can lead to more effective messaging and more sales. He shares the right questions to ask, how to ask them so you’ll get people to actually fill out your survey, the software he recommends and most importantly, how to properly interpret the answers you receive.

Your online niche is most likely always evolving, and surveys are a powerful way to stay in touch with your marketplace.

When it comes to strategies to use with your surveys, Ryan Levesque has an excellent book, Ask. In his book, he talks about the “one question” survey, which simply proposes the following question:

When it comes to _________, what is the number one biggest struggle or frustration you have right now?

Your job is to get...

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Episode 73: Rocking Live Events

Jan 23, 2017

Are you looking for inspiration to host your own live event, or do something different with the ones you are creating? In today’s special bonus episode, James talks with Sage Lavine, CEO of Conscious Women Entrepreneurs and host of the International Women on Purpose summits. Sage shares her expertise on how you can crush it from stage, regardless if you are an introvert or an extrovert!

For about the first 8 years, James’ entire business had been made up of online courses and digital training. In the last year he’s made an effort to make it more in-person with his community, and he and his team recently just hosted the largest live event that they have ever done.

Sage notes that bringing yourself to the people that you serve is nourishing, and the attendees are really looking for a sense of belonging. Leaders are also being called into their truth or message and they need support from other people that are up to big things in the world today.


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Episode 56: How to Be Extraordinary

Sep 25, 2016

In this solo episode, James reviews “The Code of the Extraordinary Mind” by Vishen Lakhiani and discusses some major concepts from the book, which can allow you to live the best life possible. In his book, Lakhiani reveals how he built Mindvalley, but got to a breaking point and almost had to close the doors. After making a major shift, which he refers to as “Bending Reality”, the company grew revenue over 400% in just 8 months and started attracting their dream clients along with an amazing team.

He did this by bringing the powerful presence of gratitude and happiness into the present moment, and in the book he says:

“Be happy now. Your thoughts and beliefs do create your reality, but only when your present state is joyful.”

The second step was creating an excited anticipation for the future. James notes that as entrepreneurs, we already have goals, but often run into frustration, become impatient and burn out. He says there is a huge...

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Episode 50: Three Mindset Hacks for Success with Rick Mulready

Aug 27, 2016

In this episode, James is joined by a special guest, Rick Mulready, to discuss how to overcome the mindset hurdles that all entrepreneurs face. Rick shares that he himself, despite the success he has achieved, is still working on figuring out entrepreneurship. He says that mindset is the foundation, and it drives success in both business and life.

He used to have a scarcity and fear-based mindset of not know how to do what he wanted to do with his own business. Rick also wasn’t even sure if he could do what he wanted to do, and he says he “floundered” for 14 months. At one point, he even thought he might have to go back to the corporate world.

His mindset is now a lot different than it use to be, and he’s proved that he can help others in their businesses while also supporting his own family.

Along the journey, you’re always going to have setbacks and you’re going to hit plateaus. Your mindset will help you think in different ways and allow you...

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Episode 47: Inspired Launching with Kimra Luna

Aug 14, 2016

In today’s episode, Kimra Luna discusses her habits and mindset for success, while talking about how she uses inspiration and intuition to drive her business. She says she didn’t realize how fast her business was going to grow, and originally thought it would take a few years to make 6-figures. Kimra shares that her first website was far from perfect, and she did it herself for about $100.

Perfectionism is the biggest mistake that she sees entrepreneurs making today. They often think everything has to be just right before releasing a course or product. Kimra created her first course in a weekend.

She was hesitant at first when starting her business, partly because of the way she looks.

“I’m the chick with piercings in the middle of her face and tattoos all over her. That wasn’t what I was seeing (in the industry).”

To let go of this, she just went back to why she was in business, which was to help people. She adds that not thinking about...

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Episode 22: How Walking Can Change Your Life with Derek Halpern

May 10, 2016

Derek Halpern is the founder of SocialTriggers.com, a thriving business that sells software, online courses and digital training. In this episode, he talks with James and Phoebe about the seemingly unremarkable daily habits that help people become extraordinary in business. More specifically, how walking can change your life! Derek says that there’s a myth that people who succeed often do it at the expense of something else in their lives. He believes this couldn’t be further from the truth.

He started to notice that successful people had the full package: a beautiful family, a remarkable business, and their health.

“Seeing their success proves on thing. It’s possible to have it all.”

Fitness and being healthy is one area of importance for successful people, and walking is one way that people can achieve this. For this reason, Derek started his own walking challenge (see “INTERVIEW LINKS”).

For the last 16 months, Derek has been walking...

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Episode 20: Know Thyself, Know Thy Business

May 01, 2016

How to figure out what’s your personality type?

1) Carefully listen to this episode and answer the 4 questions listed below.

2) You can take this test as a reference as well.

Discover your Myers Briggs by asking yourself the questions below:

1. Are you an Extrovert (E) or Introvert (I)?

This question examines where you get your energy. If it’s from internal sources, such as thoughts, ideas and imagination, those are introvert qualities. Extroverts tend to get their energy from being around people.

Extroverts outnumber introverts about three to one, and it’s common for introverts to live their life feeling pressured to feel they need more friends and have to go out more often in groups.

Introverts often think first and speak second, enjoy peace and quiet and are great listeners. They love small gatherings and they believe that “talk is cheap.”

Extroverts talk first and think later, often have more friends and value that as something that’s...

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Episode 19: Know Your Numbers (An Intro to Numerology) with Kari Samuels

Apr 24, 2016

In this episode, Kari Samuels links Numerology to personal and business success. What is it, and how can we use it in our businesses? Kari explains how using numbers can help make decisions, discover optimal times when events should be happening or not happening, as well as revealing much about you as an individual.

She says everything boils down to numbers. A place on a map, numbers assigned at birth, date of birth, and your name are all calculated by numbers.

“Basically our whole life is a number.”

She says that people are divinely designed to come to life to incarnate during a certain day, period with a certain name because that’s the vibration that carries the spiritual lessons for that person.

When linking Numerology to business, Kari says knowing this information will help you become more successful and more aware of what is going on around you. As an example, Kari talks about the moon and how certain times of the moons cycle is better to make new business...

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Episode 18: The Art of Feng Shui in Business with Karen Carter

Apr 17, 2016

Karen Carter is a professional Feng Shui consultant and healthy lifestyle designer, educator and best-selling author of “Move Your Stuff, Change Your Life” and “Make a Shift, Change Your Life.” She coaches, trains and empowers people to use a variety of techniques to improve and enrich all areas of their lives. In this episode, we find out if moving things on your desk, in your home and in your office, can really change your life! Karen shares that Feng Shui is a method of mindfully arranging your space so that it supports you.

She says that she was originally a skeptic, but needed to learn Feng Shui to get a project as a landscape architect.

Quantum physics plays a part in it, as everything is energy. Karen adds that Feng Shui deals with all the things you might never think of that could be detrimental to you, as well as minor things.

“Little, tiny and subtle things can make a big difference”

She started applying Feng Shui to her house, and...

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