Episode 105: Signs ā€“ Is The Universe Trying to Tell Your Something?

Jul 23, 2017

Aloha! You’re now listening to The Mind Your Business Podcast: Hawaii Edition. Today we’re talking about signs and how to take meaning from them. What if The Universe is conspiring to help you achieve everything that you want? Are you willing to listen and follow the signs?

In this episode you’ll learn:

  •  Amazing examples in my own life of signs from The Universe 
  •  Are signs always loud and obvious, or can they be subtle nods? 
  •  What happens when you start to listen to your intuition… 
  •  5 ways you can be more open to receiving signs!

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Episode 019: Know Your Numbers (An Intro to Numerology) with Kari Samuels

Episode 100: Finding Your Purpose with Mastin Kipp

The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

Test Your Awareness Video

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Episode 104: The Most Important Thing Every Entrepreneur Should Be Doing

Jul 16, 2017

Today I’m joined by my wife Chelsea, and we’re coming to you from the big island of Hawaii to share our 7 strategies for achieving better self-care. Why is this so important (especially for entrepreneurs)? Stay tuned!

In this episode you’ll learn:

  • Where our true value lies – and it’s not in the hard work we’re putting in 
  •  Whether or not there is one best morning routine to implement 
  • The one question you can ask yourself to help achieve balance in your life 
  • Are things getting stale? Change your environment and travel more! 
  • Why don’t we as entrepreneurs celebrate our wins more often? 
  • The role that your body plays in all this, and why you simply can’t ignore it

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Episode 022: How Walking Can Change Your Life with Derek Halpern

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Episode 101: How to Not Give A F%*&

Jun 25, 2017

On today’s show I’m talking about why you need to stop caring so much, and how to start letting go by detaching from outcomes. I also give examples of how doing this has led to some of the greatest breakthroughs in my own life!

In this episode you’ll learn:

  • What really happens when we resist
  • Why setting goals can lead to problems - but eventually your breakthrough
  • What being the scientist in your business means
  • “How” you’re going to do it doesn’t really matter!
  • What’s the real purpose of a goal…

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The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck by Mark Manson

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Episode 100: Finding Your Purpose with Mastin Kipp

Jun 18, 2017

Today’s a very special episode; not only is it our 100th episode of The Mind Your Business Podcast, but I have the honor of speaking with a fellow member of my mastermind group, Mastin Kipp. Mastin is an author, entrepreneur, inspirational speaker and founder of The Daily Love. In this episode, he shares his thoughts on purpose and reveals how you can live a life and business that aligns with it.

In this episode you’ll learn:

·      Why finding their purpose doesn’t come easy for all people

·      One of the most important questions you can ever ask yourself when trying to find your purpose

·      What happens when you blame others for the outcomes in your life

·      How fear is really just a response to uncertainty – which is needed to grow

·      Why we’re all looking for permission from...

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Episode 99: Finding The Power of NOW with Sunny Lenarduzzi

Jun 11, 2017

I’m very excited for this episode, as I’m chatting with my friend Sunny Lenarduzzi about a very powerful book that we’re both reading at the moment – Eckhart Tolle’s, The Power of Now. We discuss the biggest lessons and takeaways we’ve gotten from it, and how we can use it as entrepreneurs in our daily lives. Ready to quiet your mind and find more peace and joy by living in the present? You’re going to get a lot out of this book and our conversation around it.

In this episode you’ll learn:

·      Why this is a book that you may put aside at first – but dive back into when you need it the most

·      How you can use it to be a manual to live a more enriching life

·      A different way to look at the word, “surrender”

·      Why your past and future don’t really matter


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Episode 98: Your Relationship with Money with Stu McLaren

Jun 04, 2017

In this episode, I’m on the road in Toronto, Canada and speaking with my good friend Stu McLaren. Stu’s been in this industry for a long time, but he’s just getting started. You’ll hear how he’s launched and built his new business venture from zero to over $5 million in just 8 months! He’s adopted an extremely abundant mindset over the years and he shares how this has contributed to his amazing success. You’ll hear how it’s really just about getting clear on what’s important to you and aligning your life and business with those people and things. Do this and you’ll not only make more money, but you’ll make a much greater impact on the lives of others.

In this episode you’ll learn:

  • The #1 thing that Stu has learned from the great mentors he’s had – and what it has to do with ego
  • How to stay relevant in the world today
  •  Saying “No” to opportunities can be hard, but why...
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Episode 97: How to Think Like Einstein with Laura Hames Franklin

May 21, 2017

On this episode, I’m speaking with my good friend Laura Hames Franklin.  You’ll discover why I’ve always referred to Laura as my “secret weapon”, and today she reveals fascinating details on how we can all think like Albert Einstein. Keep an open mind because we’re talking about how you can improve your own mind body connection in order to access your full potential!

In this episode you’ll learn:

  • There’s an Einstein in all of us!
  • What’s really blocking people from reaching their full potential
  •  How “genius” to Laura is having harmony between the left and right brain
  •  She demonstrates a simple two-minute exercise you can do to strengthen the connection between your left and right brain
  •  How your whole body is affecting your life and holds infinite possibilities

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Laura’s Website

Laura’s Video Exercise, Tap to Improve Your R/L...

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Episode 94: Protect Yoā€™self Before You Wreck Yoā€™self

Apr 30, 2017

Today I’m speaking with Annette Stepanian, a lawyer for entrepreneurs and creatives. The topics we’re talking about aren’t sexy or flashy, but they are absolutely essential for business owners to think about NOW, before something happens. This is about protecting you, and your business, and about how to be smart as you grow. Have no worries, Annette is breaking it all down on this episode of The Mind Your Business Podcast!

 In this episode you’ll learn:

  • As business owners, we have a responsibility to proactive when it comes to legal issues
  • The first steps you should take (and some common mistakes made by entrepreneurs)
  • There are special considerations for online businesses versus brick and mortar ones
  • Your biggest asset is your content – protect it and don’t infringe on content belonging to others!
  • Which actions you can take if someone has stolen your intellectual property, and the mindset I have around this issue
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Episode 92: Listener Case Study - From Breakdown to Breakthrough

Apr 20, 2017

Today I’m joined by a listener of the podcast, and student of Business by Design, Kelli Wise.  Kelli discusses her journey of how she got to where she is today in her business, and opens up about the tough times she’s had and how she was able to turn things around. She is a great example of how you don’t necessarily need to have a huge email list to have a successful launch, if you have the right mindset and take the right action steps.

In this episode you’ll learn:

  •  The confirmation Kelli received that she was indeed impacting the lives of her students
  • The critical step she took after creating her offer and testing it in the marketplace
  • How her program is helping creative entrepreneurs brand and market themselves to stand out
  • How Kelli took a breakdown from her first webinar and used the experience to pivot internally and propel herself forward
  • Why confidence and belief in yourself plays such a key role in how others will...
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Episode 91: Architecting The Perfect Day

Apr 18, 2017

Today I’m coming to you with a very special bonus episode, and sharing three things you can do to craft your perfect day. Not every day is going to go exactly to plan, but it all starts by setting the intention and getting clarity on what your perfect day looks like to you.  

In this episode you’ll learn:

  •  Your definition of a perfect day can change over time
  •  The morning I recorded this show didn’t start out as perfect, but I was able to recognize it and move on!
  • Perfect means whatever you want it to mean
  •  Entrepreneurship is a like a wide-open canvas (and your day can be too)
  • What do I mean by “feel it first?”
  • Prioritization is a necessary skill that can be developed over time
  • Schedule time for fun (I’ve one our company’s core values)!

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